A Formalistic Analysis of the Short Story The Sounds of Sunday (2024)

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A Formalistic Analysis of the Short Story The Sounds of SundayA Formalistic Analysis of the Short Story The Sounds of Sunday

Marriage is the social union or legal contract between individuals that creates kinship. It is strengthenMarriage is the social union or legal contract between individuals that creates kinship. It is strengthenby love, devotion and passion. But what happens what all those nice words fade?The story: The Sounds ofby love, devotion and passion. But what happens what all those nice words fade?The story: The Sounds ofSunday by KerimaPolotanTuvera portrayed the possibility ofthe existence of this event and the events thatSunday by KerimaPolotanTuvera portrayed the possibility ofthe existence of this event and the events thattrigger more events. Ithasalso taken on a new form as it was told leaning towards the wifes views unfoldingtrigger more events. Ithasalso taken on a new form as it was told leaning towards the wifes views unfoldingflashback and present events. This paper will use the formalistic style of criticism as the critic scrutinizes theflashback and present events. This paper will use the formalistic style of criticism as the critic scrutinizes thebasic elements of the story that are connected to those ev

basic elements of the story that are connected to those ev ents.ents.

The formalistic approachbelieves that a literary work exists separately from its maker. So, in analyzing,The formalistic approachbelieves that a literary work exists separately from its maker. So, in analyzing,it is done simply by examining all the elements of a literary piece not involving the authors biography. Theit is done simply by examining all the elements of a literary piece not involving the authors biography. Theformalist critic examines the plot, characterization, theme, and style to show how these elements contributeformalist critic examines the plot, characterization, theme, and style to show how these elements contributeto the structure, effectiveness, and aesthetic quality of the work.Poes principle indicates that the elementsto the structure, effectiveness, and aesthetic quality of the work.Poes principle indicates that the elementsproduce a formal unity tying everything together. These are the most important aspects of a literary work.produce a formal unity tying everything together. These are the most important aspects of a literary work.These parts ma

These parts make up a whoke up a whole which is a new le which is a new life detached from life detached from the author. the author. T. S. Eliot, a maT. S. Eliot, a major proponenjor proponent int informalistic criticism, also states that moral, historical and other concerns that are like the two are consideredformalistic criticism, also states that moral, historical and other concerns that are like the two are consideredto be extrinsic and second only to the elements. Consequently, it is believed that a literary piece is anto be extrinsic and second only to the elements. Consequently, it is believed that a literary piece is anobjective high form of art rather an expression of a particular issue or idea. So, this analysis will study theobjective high form of art rather an expression of a particular issue or idea. So, this analysis will study theelements of the theme,

elements of the theme, conflict, and characters -protagonists and antagonists.conflict, and characters -protagonists and antagonists.

KerimaTuveras story revolved around the concept of a failing marriage. It accentuated the fact thataKerimaTuveras story revolved around the concept of a failing marriage. It accentuated the fact thatadeteriorating lovein a couple exists

deteriorating lovein a couple exists and can take form in many ways. and can take form in many ways. The story was about DomingoGorrez whoThe story was about DomingoGorrez whoreplaced his wife with his job. Although this was the case, the critic believes that this circumstance was justreplaced his wife with his job. Although this was the case, the critic believes that this circumstance was justlayering the portrayal of Domingos already failing love towards his wife, Emma Gorrez.The fact was that helayering the portrayal of Domingos already failing love towards his wife, Emma Gorrez.The fact was that hewas leaning closer and closer to dropping his affection for his wife. And when he happened to get an immoralwas leaning closer and closer to dropping his affection for his wife. And when he happened to get an immoraljob, this gave him the reason to further go down and destroy his marriage. The story also showed that thoughjob, this gave him the reason to further go down and destroy his marriage. The story also showed that thoughthe first party will let go the bonds in a marriage, the other party may not necessarily do the same thing, eventhe first party will let go the bonds in a marriage, the other party may not necessarily do the same thing, evenif he/ she may be tempted to do so. Domingos failing love and dwindling strength to maintain his marriageif he/ she may be tempted to do so. Domingos failing love and dwindling strength to maintain his marriagegave Emma lots of reasons to leave but these did not give her the reasons to let go completely causing her togave Emma lots of reasons to leave but these did not give her the reasons to let go completely causing her tofind Domingos love in the most unconventional of ways.

find Domingos love in the most unconventional of ways.

A conflict is sometimes described as the situation where the protagonist battles the antagonist. In TheA conflict is sometimes described as the situation where the protagonist battles the antagonist. In TheSounds of Sunday, the conflict, a man versus man type, istwisted in a sense that it is manifested into a curiousSounds of Sunday, the conflict, a man versus man type, istwisted in a sense that it is manifested into a curious


form. This is exhibited on the fact that though the story settles on a typical domestic dispute between thehusband, Domingo and the antagonist,and wife, Emma who is the protagonist,and centers on theconventional abuses she gets from him, Emma does not entirely acknowledge this. Instead, she was trying toget closer to her husband and was ready to put his abuses behind them. Instead of pulling away, she wantedto get closer to him even by means of leaving and hoping that he would miss her. That, if only her husbandwould submit to it.So, basically, the conflict exists but was molded by the feelings the protagonist possessedfor the antagonist.

The story focuses mainly on two people: Domingo and Emma. Rene Rividad is also a vital character butis only important during the latter part of the story. Domingoplays as the husband who has been led astraybecause of power and position. He wanted to be somebody so much that he gave up his family to be thatsomebody. Emma was portrayed as a typical wife who worries about her husband. So typical in fact that shewas like every wife who is submissive to her husband- a wife who cannot go against his wishes.Instead ofdoing something about the immoral job her husband has, all she could do was just ask around. The In the end,although she did manage to go against Domingos will, she was still unable to escape his grasped and the pastthey shared. Yes, Emma wasnt under Domingos arms anymore but she was still under his curse. The dilemmaEmma faced while rethinking her past, wishing it was not like that and desperately finding Domingos warmthagain were part of this curse. Although she was married, her character, the critic imagines, would be someonewho has the fragility of a high school girl. The author probably made her to be the complete opposite of herhusband who would act as a conscience while possessing a delicate but tormented life. Her femininity acted asa springboard to catapult the bitter characteristics of her husband and everyone around her therebyamplifyingtheir personalities even more. Then, her character was distorted to be more human than ever. Evena good person can be tainted by corruption. The appearance of Rene Rividad tested that.His character onlyappeared at the later parts of the story, strengthening what was going to be a trial period for Emma. Emmawas perplexed by the repetition of events because by then, Rene was likened to and even mirroring Domingo.She has faced many problems with Domingo but will she be able to face an eve n greater problem rooting fromthe bottom most part of her hunger for the love she once knew.

Thus, KerimaPolotanTuveras story, the Sounds of Sunday, is a story about the failing love of ahusband, Domingo Gorrez, and a wife, Emma Gorrez, who struggled to make sense of it all.Emma, the maincharacter, had problems about her husband thereby showing the conflict of the story. Simply stating, thehusband was the antagonist and the wife was the protagonist. And although this was the case, her emotionstowards Domingo oddly twisted the conflict and made it more compelling. Also, thestory was a succession of


flashbacks and present events that were unified by the ending. The twists and turns of the events led to asingle moment questioning the integrity the main character and her love towards a husband who let her gobecause of his line of work.

A Formalistic Analysis of the Short Story The Sounds of Sunday (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.