CNN News Central : CNNW : September 3, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> is that a movie that could have been made and like 1989, it did. it really was the anchor to this s3 generations the deeds, sorry, and also made wednesday with ortega a natural choice for beetlejuice. even though she wasn't born when the original came out, she sought decades later at age nine. >> and what do you remember about walking? >> i remember sweating a lot because i saw drunk beetlejuice costume when i was 6-years-old at all costume party and truth hair vied me as for a third movie, likely titled with those three curse words, you don't use beetlejuice. >> beetlejuice. >> he's generational stars say they could be back for more for like to be alive yes, 30 years elizabeth wagmeister, cnn, los angeles all right breaking news this morning, at least 41 people have been killed, hundreds wounded after a

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russian strike on a military educational facility in ukraine. >> you're live in kyiv for you and when it comes to the presidential race and the big presidential debate, one week from today, there are two very different strategies emerging from the candidates as they're preparing to face off and ticketmaster was about to face tough questions from uk government over its dynamic pricing it put in place for oasis tickets after thousands of people were essentially walked out from buying tickets i'm kate bolduan with sara sidner and john berman. this is cnn new central the sort off getting to that breaking news out? of ukraine, 41 people killed, nearly 200 wounded in a russian attack on what's described as a military educational facility in central ukraine ukraine. let's get right over to cnn's fred pleitgen, who's on the ground in kyiv for us. what are you

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learning? >> fred hi there, kate. >> obviously a lot of this information is still just coming into us very fresh and ukrainian sort of coming out with it bit by bit. but the one thing that they have confirmed very early ones, at least 41 people have been confirmed to be killed. it's unclear whether or not that number is still going to rise as the rescue crews still very much on the scene, ukrainians are also saying that around 180 people were injured in the strikes that took place. they have offered some details as to what appears to have happened there. we've already mentioned this is a military educational facility. they say that the strike partially destroyed the communications institute building of that facility and the ukrainians are saying that there was actually an air alert as air raid alert that went off shortly before the strike took place, but they also say that the time from which the air raid sirens went off to when the missiles impacted was so short that those who are in that area where we're still in the process of getting to air raid shelters when the impacts happened in, obviously, a lot of them caught off guard. the

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ukrainians are right now speaking to ballistic missiles, search and rescue crews apparently on the scene very quickly and that central city of a poltava, the ukrainians are saying they managed to save 25 people in the debris and have to pull 11 of them out of the actual debris. as you can imagine, the hospitals there are right now filled up with people that they are trying to treat and the foreign minister of this country, dmytro kuleba, he came out a couple of minutes ago on cnn and said that this once again shows that ukraine needs more air defense systems. obviously, the ukrainians ripping already into the russians over this officially the russian military and the russian government have not commented on this yet. however, there are some very prominent russian military bloggers who have in fact said that russia did attack this military educational facility. obviously a huge blow for the ukrainians. and this is definitely one of the largest single mass casualty strikes that we've seen here in ukraine, at least

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over the past couple of months let's kate. >> yeah, huge impact their fred. thank you so much for your reporting oh, sorry sorry, fred, we're having a little bit of communication problem here on our end how does, how, when you take these strikes that this, these strikes that happened overnight, your reporting on how does this fit into the overall pattern we've seen strategy, we've seen unfold yeah yeah, absolutely. it's something that we've seen over the past couple of weeks here that the russians have apparently drastically expanded the use of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones. of course, in aerial campaign. i think we can call it against ukrainian cities, against frontline positions. of course as well, but also villages and entire regions. if we look at just the past couple of days yesterday for instance, was the first day of school here in ukraine of the new term and there was a gigantic russian missile attack. most of it focused here on the capital

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kyiv, where i am right now, a lot of us of course, were ripped out of our sleep at around 5:00 a.m. in the morning when the air raid sirens went off and there were several ballistic and cruise missiles that impacted the ukrainian say they managed to take down most of those missiles. but of course, some of them did impact at sites of the city. there were three people who were wounded in that. and then you have the region of kharkiv, which is very close to the russian border. just over the weekend, there was a big barrage of russian missiles that struck that town. and the ukrainians are saying that 41 people were injured in those because that area is very close to the border the russians, there for those aerial attacks, not only using drones and missiles, but also using their jets as well. and some pretty heavy munitions that they're dropping on a lot of the buildings, but it's something that we have indeed seen increase over the past couple of weeks a monday, a go for instance, there was what the ukrainians call the largest barrage, the largest single barrage to ever hit ukrainian territory where the russians used over 120 missiles and more

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than 100 drones to strike various areas of, you of ukrainian territory. so it's certainly something where we do appear to be seeing a pattern where the russians have definitely increase that aerial campaign. and now the ukrainians are saying this, another signal of, of what's been going on. kasie fred. >> thank you so much, sir. >> all right. a post labor day pre-debate tango as the 2024 race enters its official final sprint, when week from today, the first face-to-face showdown takes place, meaning right now at the time for each candidate to get their debate ducks in a row for team harris, the next 48 hours is nearly all about the economy. she will unveil new policy details tomorrow as her campaign today drops a brand new tv ad targeting the middle-class, something she just reiterated on the trail the true measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up families you

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know, what to cnn's priscilla alvarez is leading us off this morning. priscilla, what are you learning about this message that is being the focus of the harris campaign right now. >> well, they're certainly trying to fine tune their message on the economy. of course, this is an issue where the vice president typically lags behind former president donald trump in the polls. they're trying to seize it again and really make the case that the vice president is focused on affordability lowering housing prices, for example, or drug costs so that is what we have seen on the campaign trail yesterday. now, notably, she was joined by president joe biden. he of course won the commonwealth of

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pennsylvania by less than two percentage points in 2020 and the campaign sees him as a particularly being useful in utilized in the blue wall states it's given that he has been boosted by labor groups and union workers. and so bringing the two together yesterday gives you just a better glimpse of how they plan to strategize over the next few months on this particular issue. now, of course, despite all of this, the vice president repeatedly on the trail has said that today they are the underdog in the race, and that is a message that she gave to those in the crowd yesterday it's going to be a tight race to the very end. >> so let's not pay too much attention to those polls. because as unions and labor knows best, we know what it's like to be the underdog and we are the underdogs in this race.

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and we have some hard work done ahead of us. but here's the beauty of us in this room we like hard work now the campaign is fanning out across the country with surrogates like president joe biden, who will be going to wisconsin and michigan. and also with the launch of a reproductive rights tour starting today in florida with senator klobuchar and the campaign manager, julie chavez rodriguez of course, florida in play where abortion he is on the ballot now, in a memo over the weekend, the chair saying that reproductive rights is a quote powerful piece of the campaign. so in the run-up to the presidential debate, the campaign leaning on the economy and reproductive rights to make their case to voters before she goes toe to toe against former president donald trump. >> priscilla alvarez. thank you so much for your reporting this morning for us jaw right with us now, is congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz a democrat from florida, who will be on the reproductive rights bus tour.

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>> congresswoman quinnipiac in the wall street journal, both did polls last week where they asked voters little bit different questions. but what is the most important issue to you in one? on pole and extremely important to you in the other and in the wall street journal poll, abortion was at 14%. the economy is atonye 9%. you can see right there the economy twice as important according to voters as abortion in the quinnipiac poll democracy was top ranked economy second, and then abortion down at 33% and a little bit down the list. so i guess my question to you is, why aren't you about to go on an economy tour were going on a reproductive rights tour because we're starting here in donald trump's backyard in palm beach county which in our state, across the across florida we are the poster child for maga extremism that has ripped women's reproductive health care decisions from them a ban so extreme that it it is

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likely that most women don't even know that they're pregnant at six weeks, which is when our band begins. >> and on top of that, you have severe restrictions that could have doctors land in prison. >> and even people who are aiding in providing a woman within the board. and after, after six weeks could be arrested. this is the worst example of the anti-democratic proposals and policies of donald trump. he's proud that he appointed a supreme court that overturned roe v. wade. and we need to make sure that we focus on the economy which the biden-harris record is incredibly strong, reducing prescription drug costs, making sure we created more than 15 million jobs and counting bringing inflation down, we have a record to run on, but making sure that the government is not all up in your personal health care business is a critical one and we have an

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abortion rights ballot. ballot initiative here amendment for that we want to make sure that folks across the state know about and vote yes. for so it's interesting because donald trump, just last week in 124 hour period said that he wanted to vote for more than six weeks. >> he wanted he didn't approve of a six-week ban. he wanted more weeks there, but then he also 24 hours later, said he was going to vote no on amendment four, which as you noted, would overturn effectively that ban. how do you reconcile those two positions? >> donald trump can't be trusted for anything that comes out of his mouth. he very clearly what stood with people who believed that abortion should be nearly completely illegal. he appointed a supreme court and it's proud of it that overturned and roe v wade and he when he says that abortion rights should be left to the states, left to the state, and state of florida

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abortion rights essentially ended even if a woman's life is in danger, the legislature, the state legislature here under ron desantis, a maga extremist to copy banned abortion. in the cases of rape, incest, and whether the mother's life is in jeopardy, except only in the extreme most extreme circ*mstances. this is not where the mainstream of americans are or the mainstream of floridians are and we want to make sure that we can continue the policies that have that have been administrating by the biden-harris administration of reducing prescription drug costs, creating jobs bringing costs down and that's what kamala harris is continuing to talk about. and also making housing more affordable, which is a real issue in florida to i do want to go back to the economy here. new york times did something interesting today. they had james carville write a piece about what he thought democrats should do. kamala harris should do to win the election. and in lindsey graham, senator from south carolina, wrote a piece about what he thought donald trump should do to win the election. and this is what senator

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lindsey graham wrote. he wrote when ms harris and democrats say, we're not going back, that isn't the winning slogan. i think it is, if anything, it shows just how out of touch they are. of course, americans want to go back to affordable groceries, a secure border, and a world that respects both the united states and its commander in chief what do you think about that americans don't want to go back to an administration that donald trump presided over. >> that killed millions of people during covid, that that had a mass deportation policy that was one that lead to the overturning of abortion rights that supports tearing health care away in florida, we have the most affordable care act, care act sign-ups in the country every year because people want to make sure that when they're sick, they can afford to go to the doctor. donald trump's support's tearing that health care away and making it so that we would go back to the days when

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pre-existing conditions were not covered when you couldn't get basic preventative care without a co-pay, he would create more economic health care crisis for american crisis for americans, which is where we were before the affordable care act and where he tried to take us back to more government shutdowns, more chaos, less democracy 63 days to go. >> congresswoman debbie wassermann, schultz. thank you so much for your time this morning. new overnight tension escalating between israeli citizens and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as he says, he refuses to change course on the hostages ceasefire deal and a critical hearing in president trump's election subversion case. >> new reporting on a house prosecutor jack smith plans to tackle the issue of immunity and new video of the moment a man was launched out of the water by a humpback whale the

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the killing of six young hostages at the hands of hamas. i'm joined now by cnn, political and global affairs analyst barak ravid. he is so a politics and foreign policy reporter for axios. thank you so much for coming in this morning for us can you first give us any sense of who this commander is was and how this all went down? >> well, i think that at the moment prime minister netanyahu gave this speech last night, laid down his terms for the hostage gielen is main term that it says, i will not i will not withdraw idf forces from the philadelphi corridor, the stretch of land along the gaza. egypt border and he stands on this, on this condition what what did come out and i'll go ahead. go ahead know.

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>> and as long as as you know, he stands on this condition, it seems that nothing can move forward and that question is whether the biden administration in the coming days will do something to put a new proposal so on the table and face both netanyahu and hamas leader yahya sinwar in front of the decision what did come out of that national security meeting they had with negotiators yesterday, that biden, which they're trying to figure out what they're going to do next because it can't keep saying that a deal is what's going to be made and it just never comes to fruition yeah, i think biden is also in front of a crucial decision point because yesterday when he met with his national security team, was vice president harris also in the situation room. the dilemma according to what i heard from u.s. officials is okay. we put forward another

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final the final final final proposal for a hostage deal. and what if then hamas and israel say? >> we don't want it what then does that mean that the u.s. says all right, we're out. whatever happens to the hostages happens, we don't care anymore. >> it's, you know, themselves. >> before we do such a thing, what is our plan b? and for now at least, i don't have a sense that there was a plan what are netanyahu's options at this? but you talked about you know, what he'd like to keep a force in there that's a nonstarter. of course, for, for hamas so what are the options? >> who well, netanyahu doesn't seem to be moving anywhere with this demand regarding keeping idf forces along the gaza ag border all these rally

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negotiators all the heads of the israeli security forces and intelligence community all tells him this, is a nonstarter for hamas. netanyahu says, you will see, maybe not now, but in a week, in two weeks, in two months hamas will cave and we will achieve our goals. and then they tell him the security chiefs, the head of the intelligence community, you say that's great. but the hostages in captivity don't have that time because every day another hostage could die as we just seen a few days ago as far as the hostage situation, i mean, hamas has been clear that if israel tries to rescue the hostages, which they tried to do in this past instance that they are going to send the hostages home in body bags. >> that message doesn't give you any real hope that there is a solution here. is there anything that the biden administration you think can do to try and push a final proposal. and what that might

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include? >> i think there's one thing the biden administration hasn't done so far and the hostage families, the american hostages, the seven hostages that are still in hamas captivity, their families urge the biden administration again and again and even more in the last few days, to consider saying to new mr. netanyahu, we understand that you don't want a deal at the moment. that's okay. you're a leader of a sovereign country, but we have seven americans in gaza so we as the u.s. government will have to act on our own separately to try and cut a deal for our citizens who are in hamas captivity the biden administration has so far been reluctant to go down that road claiming that it doesn't have leverage, et cetera, et cetera. but the families say to the biden administration, you did

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not have leverage over russia when it comes to the release of evan gershkovich and paul whelan. but you manage to do a deal anyway because you managed to find leverage. you went to germany, you went to slovenia. i went to other countries. you found a way to square that circle and get a deal. so do the same thing here for the seven americans that are still in captivity. >> you know, it's an interesting proposal. barak ravid. thank you so much for joining us this morning. appreciate you okay. >> so we are standing by for an important hearing in the election subversion case against donald trump. new reporting on how jack smith plans to keep the case alive. and also, there is new video of the joey chestnut moments after she shattered his own hot dog eating record kamala harris donald trump, the debate. >> everyone's been waiting for

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follows cnn for complete coverage and exclusive pre and post-debate analysis a cnn special event the abc news presidential debate simulcast next tuesday at nine eastern on cnn and streaming on max these bills are crazy she's no idea. she sitting on a goldmine. >> she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can sell all were part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy even a term policy find out if you're sitting on a goldmine call coventry direct today at 804618080800 or visisit coventr i was stuckck unresolveded. >> depressssion symptotoms were mymy way. i needed m more for m antideprpressant real l or help giveve it a liftft addining vel an a antidepressssant is cliliny provenen to help r relieve ovev dedepression s since symptptoms betterer t than an antntidepres alonone.

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so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. >> and maria alrlready has y yo budgdget remindeder made a b be cacase, smarteter, which w won momorning. >> got it.t. >> gotot it. boss,s, daughter,r got t this h how long hahave yon here i d don't t know what did say y what i is this plalace to watchers now streaming exclusively on i'm max. this week, federal judge tanya chutkin will hold a hearing in the election subversion case against donald trump. this will be the first hearing since the supreme court granted the former president broad immunity, prompting special counsel jack smith's revised indictment. cnn's zach cohen is with us now to lay out what we expect in this hearing. zain yes. john, this is really the first opportunity for a judge chutkan to offer some clarity around how this case is going to move forward in specifically how she plans to deal with the issue of presidential immunity and whether or not it applies to certain parts of this revised indictment. that's been brought by special counsel, jack smith. now, look, neither

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jack smith nor former president donald trump's legal team it seemed to be in any rush to try to get this case to trial before the november election or really even before the end of this year. but it will not surprise you to learn that there is still significant disagreement between the two sides over how this case is going to proceed. now, jack smith in the joint filing status report that they filed last week, jack smith didn't offer any definitive recommendations as far as timing goes, as far as what he wants to see, this timeline look like going forward, but he did indicate that he wants to move this case along. he wants to have a judge judge chutkan consider the issue of presidential immunity while also dealing with a variety of other issues trump's legal team is going to raise. now, trump's legal team is saying a basically the exact opposite. we said they want to deal with a different issue. jack smith's alleged illegal appointment first before getting into presidential immunity, really separating these issues into a more extended trial timeline that they say could go all the way to fall 2025. so ultimately it's going to be up to judge

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chutkan to determine what the schedule looks like going forward jack smith has he said that he's ready to brief on the issue of presidential immunity at her convenience and at her request tomorrow though, is the first time the two sides are going to sit in front of a judge and try to hash all this out. and we could get our first indication of what a roadmap going forward looks like all right. >> we'll be watching zach cohen. thanks so much. >> let's talk more about this joining us now is conservative. lawyer george can we also launched a new anti-trump pac the summer? it's good to see you, george, thanks for jumping in with this new version of the indictment that trump now faces. i like the way some of the cnn reporting put it, that it's kind of a special counsel make some nips and tucks throughout trying to preserve the case against trump will falling into line with what supreme court has ruled in july what do you see in this new version? do you think it's a stronger or weaker case now? >> i think it's every bit as strong as it was before because it took out portions of the indictment that really weren't

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necessary to prove the crimes that were alleged and what was taken out were the allegations that trump had had conversations pressuring the justice department to bring an illegitimate investigation into this supposedly fraudulent election that clearly is out of bounds under the supreme court's decision and jack smith was absolutely right not to waste any time on it. but the fact remains that all of the other charges suffice all the other factual allegations in the complaint in the indictment suffice to allege three separate crimes that trump has been alleged to have committed. and i think actually the case gets stronger because it becomes more focused than i think. the more you focus it in on for in particular, the false electoral certificates and attempts to pressure state officials. i think the stronger the case becomes. >> interesting. i want to play something that donald trump said himself this weekend in a new fox interview about the case against him it's so crazy

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that my poll numbers go up whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you are have every right to do it you get indicted and you poll numbers go up why he's putting it every right to interfere in the election. >> i mean, what do you do with that well you know, if i were a lawyer, i tell him he has the fifth amendment right to stuff a sock in his mouth, but he's not capable of doing that and he continually makes remarks that are frankly incriminating. >> his statement there in that interview with mark levin, that to the effect that he had the perfect right to interfere with the election, isn't a mission that he tried to interfere with the election and that he wasn't trying to enforce federal law, an act in his capacity as president united states, he was trying to win an election that he clearly lost and that's a crime and that's that for him. it's just yet another admission of guilt and he's made many of them over

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the years. >> so there's the legal realm and then the the political impact of the legal round. let me, because i want to ask you because one thing we have definitely seen is it appears a concerted effort by the harris campaign and kamala harris herself to not make this case central focus of their campaign message. whereas we did see joe biden's campaign before hers, did make it more of a focus. i want to play a moment that it happened from her rally yesterday. listen to this but as we fight to move forward down, trump is trying to pull us backward including back to a time before workers had the freedom to organized well, the courts will handle that, and we will handle november about no found or less we've heard this from kamala harris before when

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a crowded gone on to say lock him up this time saying trump's going to jail what do you think of late making less, not more of the criminal charges he faces? >> well, i think what vice president harris did there was pitch perfect for a prosecutor and a future president who intends to enforce the rule of law. this should not be political. i mean, yes, we should be making political hay out of the fact that he is a convicted criminal and had a yaz telling all sorts of thing to me so good to violate the law and he shows no respect for the rule of law. but the legal process has to be the legal process. and kamala harris as a former prosecutor, respects that legal process and she will not tolerate people saying lock him up, lock him up in the context of a political, political rally i can say lock them up, lock him up because i'm not running for public office. i can simply be a legal commentator and say he should be locked up, but that's my job and not hers. her job is to be someday. i hope that very

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soon the chief law enforcement officer in the united states of america charged with impartially administering wall george. >> it's always good to see you. thank you for coming in sir thank you, kate, the fight between television titans that has sports fans up in arms. >> directv is now offering to compensate customers who lost access to espn an abc during one of the busiest weekends for sports plus, a waste has just announced its reunion tour. and the fans furious after they pressed by as those prices are sky high, while the uk government is now investigating the tv moments that took culturure over thehe edgdge, pe who are watching and then our world chanange he e had an exix hellllo, s said reverbrberation on thehe edge fromom airs sundn seseptember 22, did ninine on c >> jenenny craig is s celebrati one year o of making w weight l more c convenient t than eveverh

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a healththy weight canan help d lilive a longeger, happierer li the e farmer's dog makes s weig managemement easy wiwith fresh d freeee portion f for your dodo' needs. >> it's an idea whose the time has come i'm stephanie elam in los angeles and this is cnn pope francis is in jakarta, indonesia today as he kicks off his 12th day marathon, torah southeast asia it is the fourth for this, the pope has traveled for a papal visit, which is meant to grow and strengthen the catholic church has presence across asia, but also build bridges with other religions. the 87-year-old pope will meet with into indonesia's president and other officials tomorrow before continuing his threat trip to three other countries. all right. customers caught in the middle of the disney directv the dispute have a little bit of relief. directv is now offering subscribers credits of at least 20 bucks as the blackout of espn and other disney owned channels is continuing. into its third day customers will need to apply for credit on a special website with their account email. the

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credit will then appear in a future bill. the outage is affecting 11 minutes julien subscribers with the nfl season days away. this is going to be hard for some folks if they don't get it together. some snorkelers near australia because the gold coast gotten unexpected thrill when they drifted too close to a pot of humpbacks. one of the wales gave a snorkeler the right of his life all of a sudden, there was commotion behind us and we turned around and someone we didn't know at the time who it was, but someone was told take a little while to the first time this happened to him? >> yeah. but he was very like near ecstatic about it. >> it was like a relatively gentle experience from what we could tell he literally has a real of a tale, a relatively gentle experience for the whale and the human. everyone is fine. john. >> good news all right. >> this morning from relationship to rage, oasis fans who are so excited about the reunion tour are now ticked

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off because of sky-high ticket prices, who could have seen that coming those prices nearly doubled, while many fans were waiting on line for hours to buy them. now the british government is looking into all of this, the dynamic pricing cnn media correspondent hadas gold is with us now. so what's going on here? john, i don't know if you're a fan of a waste this, but there are a lot of fans of oasis out there and they were thrilled to hear that the band was going to getting back together. >> i'm going on tour. they broke up in 2009, acrimonious lee, there was that famous sort of dispute fight between the two brothers so, this is a big deal, if not only family coming back together, it's a band coming back together. so they announced 15 tour dates across mostly the united kingdom and ireland. and so that when tickets went on sale, people were obviously very excited, but then that excitement turned into rage and anger especially at ticketmaster, which was handling the ticket sales. and that's because of something called in demand pricing. dynamic pricing that we've started to see recently, where as more and more people are trying to buy tickets, the ticket prices can shoot up. so even if you went online and you saw price, okay, hundred $50 or something for a ticket. and

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then you waited those six hours or however many hours people were waiting in line. suddenly when you put it in your basket online, a lot of fans were saying they were shooting up some fans were reporting that ticket prices went from listened to this 135 pounds, which is about $177 to 355 pounds. it's $466. the last-minute and for a lot of people, that is way outside of their budget for a ticket. and these aren't leno vip tickets in a box. these are standing room tickets and you have to also keep in mind that that means that some people might be paying $150 for that standing room to get b might be standing next to somebody who is paying $455 for that standing room ticket. now the anger over this, i should make me angry, just driving this the tickets have already sold out, but we're getting the uk government involved in this because there's a few always says fans also in the uk government that prime minister keir starmer has already said that it's just not fair. culture secretary lisa nandy has come out and said, they're going to look into this. they say, we've already announced that this autumn will be consulting on secondary

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ticketing, how to deal with to get touts and as part of that, we will look at dynamic pricing. and in particular transparency around it, also, united states, i don't know if you remember the u.s. senate had their own hearing after anger over taylor swift tickets. >> that's what this was. the same idea that nothing similar to get taylor swift tickets were more about how the whole site just completely crash and couldn't handle the number of people trying to get tickets and there's questions over competition in this space because there's a few big players in this space. >> and so that's what the u.s senate hearing was about. now, we've heard nothing from oasis yet themselves, but they have hinted there were organized promoters have hinted there may be extra dates added because of all the demand over this. >> and then those prices will go up to 500 pounds whatever it is also. all right, hadas gold. thank you very much, really appreciate it. kate so nauta, joe, jess, not the undisputed king of the hot dog eating contest so of all times. >> now, after his netflix base off, hear the phrase that he had for his competitition this

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last of the day, joey chestnut set the world record bid to cairo kobayashi, his rival in a hot dog eating contest. >> this was big, seen as coy wire here to break it all down for us admitted dog by dawn 00 we've come such a long way from the first ever nathan's famous that's all getting competition in 1916 when the winner, 813 hot dogs, joey chestnut people aptly named jaws wolfing down at three dogs and buns in ten minutes been believable. >> new world record i'm going to fellow legendary competitive eater to carroll kobayashi, who only ate 66 chestnut said he was nervous about the no dunking rule. know putting dogs in the water to help it go down. but no dunking, no problem. just a new world record and plenty of meat sweats. joey shattering his previous record of 76 hot dogs sent back in 2021, is rivalry

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with kobayashi goes back years. his first win against some came into 2007 and he won with 66 hot dogs at that time, chestnuts, 83 dogs in ten minutes. that comes out to about one hot dog every seven seconds, people and if you stack those hot dogs, 83 of them and it would be as tall as about three story building an imagine the buns stack next to those as well. of course, this burning question comes up about this contest is a hot dog, a sandwich? i mean, that's my main thing that i'm taking from this other than a little bit of queasiness can i blow your mind here for a second? this is, this is totally in aside. there's something that story on this one it's do know that hot dogs and bologna are the same meat. it's just, it's just cipollone is caught in a hurry sandwich thing, right both amazing they're both amazing. >> so a hot-dog in a way is a sandwich because it's just like a bologna sandwich is just served in a different form you're not john, i'm putting

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you on the spot. >> i had the women do some olympic competitions. they were sprinting. there were breakdancing. we regret if you had to do it eating competition, what food would you pick what's warn could wolf down oh man, you i, you know, he's give me like an apple like indian food. i am had comfortably full after, you know, like, chicken he masala, you have him like you need a lot of that. i can eat a lot that there would be a ferry not for me i got me. it's what's right now we need to be done now. go thanks again tv gold. >> now, i'm not nervous, sweat this. is. cnn news central with us. cnn newsroom is up if you

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6:59 am

moninitor women'n's pregegnanci anand severe cuts toto medicared sosocial secururity. >> d donald trumump mamay try ty it, bubut those ouour donald trump's plans. >> welell, revengege does take time. i i will say that t somets rerevenge can n be justifified rerevenge can n be justifified tatake conontrol, will i'm free to explore. i'm free to learn.

7:00 am

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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