The Democrat-Reporter from Linden, Alabama (2024)


188-A, Perry-Hale-Take noitce that at a special ses-i Marengo Counties sion of the Legislature of Alabama! Sealed bids will be received by the state Highway Commission of -Ala ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce as Candidate for Mayor of the Town of Linden. I favor economy in town government, reduction in town licenses and water rates as far as possible consistent with keeping the town on a sound financial basis, and cooperation' and consultation with the council in the management of town business. I favor strict law enforcement along all lines and especially the enforcement ol the traffic laws. I realize that it is useless to. make a great many promises as our citizens are well acquainted with local conditions and know that we cannot accomplish any great progressive movements at he present time, but I will do the best I possibly can with the aid and assistance of the council.

G. E. SMALL. (Pd. political adv.

by G. E. Small) HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTS The Genius of Efficiency has invaded the household as evidenced 'by the growing number of women who Scarry substantia checking accounts for the disbursem*nt of house- i hold and personal Because such an accountis a check upon unnecessary expenditures, a receipt for all bills paid, and a record of household expenses, we invite the accounts of those able to maintain substantial balances and who desire to avail themselves of this modern help to efficiency in the household. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK "THE OLD RELIABLE" Established 1904 4 PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSITS Strength Courtesy Service Linden, Alabama NOTICE TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Take notice that at a. special, session 'of the Legislature of Alabama, called to be held at ontgomery, Alabama, commencing on August 16th, ,1932, a bill, in substance as follows, will be introduced and the passage thereof applied for, namely: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Section 7 of An Act entitled "An Act to establish Board of Revenue for Marengo County, and for the abolishments of the, Court of County Commissioners "of said County," approved September 19, 1923.

BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. That section 7 of an Act to establish a Board of Revenue for Marengo County and for the abolishment of the Court of County Commissioners of said County, approved September 19, 1923, be, and the same hereby is amended so as to reed as follows: Section 7. That said Board of Revenue shall elect a Clerk, and fix his compensation, and employ such other clerical assistance as be necessary, and it shall be thf duty of the Clerk of the Board of Revenue to attend the meetings thereof and issue all notices required by it. The Clerk, shall, under the direction of said Board of Revenue, keep the minutes and records of the proceedings thereof, in well bound volumes provided for that purpose, said records to be kept in the office of the Board of Revenue, and to be open at all reasonable hours to the inspection of the cijfizens of the county and other interested persons; and the Clerk shall perform such other duties and matters as may be required of him by said Board of Revenue. The compensation of said Clerk and of all other clerical assistants shall be fixed by said Board of Revenue and their terms of office shall be at the pleasure of said Board of Revenue.

That before entering upon the discharge of his duties said Clerk shall take the same oath as the members of said Board of Revenue are required to take, and shall give a good and sufficient bond, with good and sufficient surety, payable to the County of Marengo, in such amount as may be fixed and prescribed by said Board of Revenue, which bond shall be filed with and approved by the Judge of Probate of Marengo County, with conditions faithfully to' discharge the duties of such office during the time he continues therein or discharges any of the duties thereof, the premium on said to be paid out of the County Treasury on certificate or warrant signed by "the President or President pro tern of said Board of Revenue. That said Clerk shall keep a record of -every warrant, draft or certificate issued by or under the authority of the Board of Revenue, Notice of Tax Assessor's and Tax Collector's Round Notice is hereby given that the Tax Assessor and Tax Collector of Marengo County will attend the several voting precincts Marengo County, Alabama, to assess the taxes of 1933 and collect for the year 1932 as follows MACON Saturday October 1, 1932 HAMILTON CHAPEL Monday October 3, 1932 MAGNOLIA Tuesday October 4, 1932 AIMWELL Wednesday October 5, 1932 HILLS Thursday October 6, 1932 SHILOH Friday October 7, 1932 OCTAGON Saturday October 8, 1932 PINEVILLE 1- Monday October 10, 1932 SURGINER Tuesday October 11, 1932 MYRTLEWOOD Wednesday October 12, 1932 NANAFALIA i Thursday October 13, 1932 FAUNSDALE Fri. Sat. Oct. 14-15, 1932 PUTNAM Monday October 17, 1932 LASCA Tuesday October 18, 1932 HOBOKEN Wednesday October 19, 1932 SWEET WATER Thursday October 20, 1932 JEFFERSON Friday October 21, 1932 SPRING HILL Saturday October 22, 1932 DEMOPOLIS Mon.

Tues. Oct. 24-25, 1932 McKINLEY a. Wednesday October 26, 1932 JACKSON STORE Thursday October 27, 1932 DIXONS MILLS Friday October 28, 1932 DAYTON Saturday October 29, 1932 THOMASTON Wednesday Nov. 2, 1932 CONSUL Thursday November 3, 1932 DEMOPOLIS Fri.

Sat Nov. 4-5, 1932 called to be held at Montgomery, Ala bama, commencing on August 16th, 19d2, a bill, in substance as follows, will be introduced and the passage thereof applied for, namely: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To require All warrants, claims, drafts or certificates for salaries, expenses or other claims of State and County officers and other persons which said warrants, drafts or certificates are now or may hereafter be payable, in whole or in part, upon warrants, claims, drafts or certificates drawn upon the County Treasurer, County Treasury, or County Depository of Marengo County, Alabama, by such officers or persons, to be itemized, verified and presented to the Board of Revenue of said County, for audit, allowance and payment; to take away from such officers and other person the authority to draw such warrants, claims, drafts or certificates; and to provide that all warrants, claims, drafts or certificates drawn on or against County funds hereafter shall be authorized and drawn only by the Board of Revenue of Marengo County, Alabama. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. That all warrants, claims, drafts or certificates, for salaries, expenses, and other claims of state and county officers and other persons which said warrants, claims, drafts or certificates I are now or may hereafter be payable in whole or in part upon warrants, claims, drafts or certificates, drawn upon the County Treasury, County Treasurer, or County Depository of Marengo County, Alabama, by such officers or persons, shall be itemized, verified and presented to the Board of Revenue of said County for audit and allowance, as other claims against said County are now required to be presented to the Board of Revenue for said County; and said officers and persons shall inot hereafter be authorized to draw warrants, claims, drafts or certifi-! cates upon the County Treasury, County Treasurer or County Deposi-j tory of said County; and that all war-i rants, claims, drafts or certificates hereafter drawn on said county's i funds or treasury shall be authorized I and drawn only by the Board of 1 Revenue of Marengo County, Ala-I bama; -and said Board of Revenue shall keep a record of every warrant, -claim, draft or certificate, so drawn, showing the date, and, to whom and for what issued. Section 2.

That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed in so far as they relate to Marengo County, Alabama. Section 3. That this Act shall become effective from and after January 1st, 1933. Sep 8-15-22. NOTICE Record of a regular meeting of the town council of the Town of Linden, Alabama, held by the order of the Mayor at Mayor's office Date August 15 1932; Present' V.

C. Bailey, Mayor, Y. K. Lewis, M. Levy, F.

A. Royal, H. E. Williams, Councilman C. R.

Hinson, absent members of the Town council; the following proceeding were had, to-wit: On motion made by councilman Y. K. Lewis, seconded by councilman N. M. Levy, the following ordinp.nce was adopted by the following vote.

Unanimous vote of all members present. (Ordinance Ordering Town Election) AN ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Linden, as follows: Section One. An election is hereby ordered to. be held in the Town of Linden, on Monday "the 19th day of September, 1932, for the purpose of electing a mayor and five councilmen for the next ensuing term commencing on the first 'Monday in October, 1932. Section Two.

The election shall be in the Court House in the Town I of Linden Ala. R. C. Hendricks, J. W.

Glass, J. H. Williams, are hereby designated as managers of said elec-j tion; FranW Gilder Jr, B. F. Gardner, 1 are hereby designated as clerks," W.

D. i Cochran, is hereby designated as returning officer of said election. Attest: Approved: E. F. Lisenbe, V.

C. BAILEY, I Clerk. Mayor. i NOTICE Notice is hereby-given that an plication for pardon or parole of Daisy Elmore, convicted and senten-' ced by the Circuit Court of Marengo 1 County, on the 5th day of Nov-j ember, 1930, for murder in 2nd de-Igree, to 10 years in the penitentiary of Alabama. jSept.

1-8 R. C. BALLOW NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT BY EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of September, 1932, Robert H. Cochrane, as Executor of the Will of Mrs. Lucy O.

Minge, filed in the Circuit Court of Marengo County, Alabama in Equity, his account and 1 vouchers for final settlement of his I administration of said estate; and jthat Tuesday, the 25th day of Octo ber, 1932, has been set as the day to audit said account and vouchers, and to make said final settlement; at which time any person interested may appear in this court and contest the same, should they see fit. Witness this 12th day of Septem-ber, 1932. LINDEN Monday November 7, 1932 bama at the office of the State High. way Department, Montgomery, Alabama, until 10:00 o'clock A. October 4th, 1932, and" at that time publicly opened for constructing a bituminous surface on 17.96 miles of road between Uniontown and Demop-olis, in Perry-Hale-Marengo Counties.

The principal items of work are approximately as follows: 36,500 Cu. Yds. Common Excavation 77,000 Cu. Yds. Gravel Base 1 Mile Haul 124,700 Units Gravel Base Hauled Vz Mile Additional 65,900 Lin.

Ft. Galvanized Wire Cable for Guard Rail 1,845 Each Guard Rail Posts 80 Each Concrete Guard Rail Anchors 126,000 Sq. Yds. Bermuda Grass Planting 25,000 Cu. Yds.

Selected Shoulder Material, ,1 Mile Haul 248,400 Units Selected Shoulder Ma-- -terial Hauled Additional 210,000 Sq. Yds. Bituminous- Road Mix Surfacing. All work on this project shall be perfqrmed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for carrying out the Federal Highway Act. So far as is practicable, no individual directly employed on this project (except in executive, and supervisory positions) shall be permitted to wori more than thirty hours in any one week, and in the employment of labor in connection with this project preference shall be given, where they are qualified, lo ex-service men with dependents.

The Contractor shall employ labor, as far as it is available, from lists furnished by the relief organizations designated by the Highway Director, except that he may employ such men as are necessary for the supervision of the construction and for; the operation of the power equipment permitted requiring skilled operators without regard to such lists. The Contractor shall furnish the designated relief organizations with full information as to number of laborers required and their respective duties and request a list of names from which he may select his requirements. Should the designated committees fail to supply such lists within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of such request, the Contractor shall be free to employ any available labor, provided, however, that when qualified, ex-service men with dependents, or other labor with dependents living in the county, adjacent counties, or in the State, shall be given preference in the order named. The employment of unskilled labor shall be limited to residents of the State of Alabama uness it is found that a sufficient number of satisfactory laborers, residents of the State, are not available. The Contractor may be released from the requirement of obtaining labor from local labor lists upon his furnishing the Highway Director satisfactory evidence of unfair or practices in the establishment of local-labor lists: Any labor found incompetent may be discharged, replacement shall be made from lists furnished by the designated relief organizations whenever such lists' are available.

The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor on this project shall be twenty (20) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all skilled fabor employed on this. project shal be thirty (30) cents per hour. Preference will be given to articles or materials of domestic production, conditions of quality and price, including duty, being equal. If the bidder so desires, he may submit a bid endorsed as based on use of foreign articles enumerated and identified 'es such.

When the bidder fails to include in his bid such statement as to foreign articles or materials, it will be understood that the bid is based on the use of domestic articles or materials only. Plans and specifications are on file in the office of the State Highway Department at Montgomery, Alabama. Any additional information may be secured from the Highway Director, Montgomery, The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Certified check for Five Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars made payable to the Highway Director of Alabama mustaccompany each bid as evidence of good faith and as a guarantee that if awarded contract the bidder will execute the contract and give bond as required. LANDON G.

SMITH, Sep 1-8-15 Highway Director NOTICE OF PARTIAL SETTLEMENT The State of Alabama, Marengo County. Probate Court, August 24th 1932. Whereas, Mrs. Eloise Neely Averyt, as -surviving Executrix of the Estate of J. R.

Moss, deceased, and Mrs. Ersie Walker Neely, as Executrix of the estate of R. D. Neely, deceased, has filed their application in writing and under oath, with accounts and vouchers in said oturt for a partial settlement of the estate of J. R.

Moss, deceased, and the 23rd day of September, 1932, has been appointed for the hearing of said application. This is to notify ell persons interested in said settlement to appear before the said court on said 23rd day of September, 1932, to contest said application if they think proper. Witness my hand, this the 24th day of August, 1932. A. L.

HASTY, Sep 1-8-15 Judge of Probate. LOST One small handmesh bag containing handkerchief and small change. Reward- Sep Mrs. W. H.

Whitlow Section 3936 of the Code of Alabama makes it the duty of ev ery person of full age and of sound mind and every firm and body corporate or politic, to make the Assessor a full, true and distinct statement of all the real and personal property, with a correct description thereof, of which he is the owner or holder, individually or as guardian, parent, husband, trustee, administrator, executor, receiver, accounting officer, partner, agent, or factor, and including all moneys on deposit in the State on the 1st day of October, proceeding. Further notice is given that the taxes of the year 1932 are due and payable October 1st, 1392, and are delinquent January 1st, 1933. The Tax Collector will have with him at every appointment Foil Tax Receipts for the years 1901 to 1932, inclusive. M. E.

PRITCHETT, Tax Assessor, J. J. MARION, Tax Collector, of Marengo County, Linden, Ala. MORTGAGE SALE State of Alabama, Marengo County. Whereas Henry J.

Whitfield and wife Libby B. Whitfield, Winifred B. Whitfield, Nelly K. Whitfield, and Gaius Whitfield and wife, Margaret H. Whitfield executed to The Federal Land Bank of New Orleans, on, to-wit; June 16th, 1924, a mortgage upon the.

land hereinafter described to secure an indebtedness described therein, said mortgage being recorded in the office of the Judge of Probate of Marengo County, Alabama, in Mortgage Book 222, Page 308, and Whereas has been made by grantors in payment of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage and in the performance of the terms of said mortgage; Now Therefore, The Federal Land Bank of New Orleans, having declared due and payable the entire indebtedness secured by said mortgage, will sell, under and by virtue of the power of sale' contained in said mortgage, between the legal hours of sale on the 27th day of September 1932, at auction to the Jiighest Wdder for cash, in front of the court house door of Marengo County, in the town of Linden, Alabama, the following described property, to-wit: West Half of southeast quarter and southwest quarter of section 4, 251.07 acres. East Half of southwest quarter and southeast quarter of section 5, 251.40 acres. Southeast Subdivision of Fractional section 7, 115.88 acres. All of fractional section 8, 603.30 acres. Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter and south half of section 9, 359.32H acres.

South Half of section 10, 319.84 acres. West Half of southwest quarter of section 11, 79.64 acres. All of section 14, 639.44 acres. All of section 15, 639.40 acres. All of fractional section 16, 624.60 acres.

All of fractional section 17, 179.38 acres. All of fractional section 21, 159.00 acres. All of fractional section 22, 275.40 acres. East Half of Northwest quarter, quarter of Northwest quarter, and Northwest quarter of southeast quarter 'of section 23, 160.00 acres. Total 4657.67 acres, 'all in township 16, range 1 east, in Marengo County, Alabama.

Said sale will be made for the purpose of realizing the mortgage debt, together will all expenses of this sale, including a reasonabe attorney's fee. THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF NEW ORLEANS, Emmett Chisolm Mortgagee Atty. for Mortgagee. Sep 8-15-22 NON-RESIDENT NOTICE Final Settlement Estate of Emma A. Morton, Deceased.

The State of Alabama, Ma'rengo County, Probate Court. September 6th, 1932. TO: Mrs. Martha Moss, New Orleans, W. N.

Alston, Waynesboro, Nathaniel Alston, whose address is unknown; Amanda Pope, Nashville, Mrs. Mary Wilkins Durham, St. Louis, Wm. Vaugh-an, Long. Beach, Kent Hildreth, New Smyrna, George K.

Hil-dreth, Daytona Beach, Louis Winslow, Elsie Hilr dreth. Phoenix, and Thomas Alston, Atlanta, Ga. Whereas, J. E. Alsotn, Administrator with the will annexed of the Estate of Mrs.

Emma A. Morton, deceased, has field hi3 applicaiton with accounts and vouchers in said Court for a Final Settlement, and the 30th day of September, 1932 has been appointed for the hearing of said application at which time you may appear before the said Court and contest said application, if you think proper. Witness my hand; this 6th day of September, 1932. A. L.

HASTY, Judge of Probate. Sep 8-15-22 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the State Board of Pardons for the pardon or parole of Tom Nash who was convicted at the Spring Term, 1932, of the Circuit Court of Marengo County of the offense of violating the prohibi- tion law and sentenced to one yeaj: in the penitentiary. Sep 11-18 TOM NASH NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at "the special session of the Legislature of Alabama a bill will be introduced tv regulate and prohibit the use of steel traps in Marengo County. August 18-1-8-15 showing the date, amount, and to whom and for what issued, and shall counter-sign the same, and shall also keep a record of all notes, bonds, contracts or agreements made, given or issued by or in the name of Marengo County, showing the date, amount, object and purpose thereof and to whom given and for what purpose made or issued, and countersign the and said Clerk shall also, under the direction, supervision and control of said Board of Revenue, install and keep a general set of books showing the true and correct financial condition of Marengo County and the income thereof, the source from which derived, how or in what way the same is naid out anoT expended, and an itemized account of each fund handled, expended or controlled by said Board of Revenue and in what way the same is paid out and disbursed; and at the September meeting each year of said Board of Revenue said Clerk shall make up and file with it a detailed estimate and statement of the income from each fund for-the coming fiscal year, and a detailed statement of the fixed expenses and charges against each of said funds. Section 2." That this Act shall be; come effective from and after January 1st, 1933.

Sep 8-15-22. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the State Board of Pardons for the pardon or parole of James Bell who was convicted at the Spring Term, 1932, oT the Circuit Court of Marengo County of the offense of violating the prohibition' law and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. Sep. 11-18 JAMES BELL FOR RENT Store on main street Linden, $10 month. Residence, 5 rooms 2 acres, corner lot, garage, outhouses, shade trees, near school and churches, $10 month.

Sept. 15-22-29-pd B. F. POOL CARDS OP THANKS Cards of Thanks are published at the rate of one cent a word, minimum charge fifty cents. No charge accounts will be made.

Money or stamps should accompany the copy. Obituaries, Resolutions of Respect, and similar articles will be published for one dollar for the first hundred words or less, and fifty cents for each additional hundred words or less. When sending in an article of this kind count the words and send the correct amount with the copy, as we cannot open charge accounts for tame. tf. One hundred and four young people were present at the three B.

Y. P. Sunday night. Only three members were absent from the Intermediate Union. Group No.

1, Merle Glass, Group Captain, was one hundred per cent in attendance. Group No. 2, Robert Loftin, Group Captain, will have charge of the Intermediate program Sunday night, discussing the "Ideal Boy" as follows: Introductory Robert Loftin; A Christian, Junior Glass; Cleanliness, Elliott Glass; A Good Sport, Jesse Burgess; Honesty, James Perkins; Courage, Jerry Mc-Bride; Unselfishness, Albert Winters. Two years on the Town Council has given me an acquaintance with the problems of the town government. In 'asking you to elect me mayor, I pledge myself to rigid economy, and absolutely against any increase in taxes or assessments for any purpose whatsoever, until all accounts are paid and licenses are reduced to such an extent that they are no longer a burden to the citizens of Linden.

I shall appreciate your vote. Sincerely, EARLE WILLIAMS MRS. W. D. COCHRANE HOSTESS TO CIRCLE The soft colors of autumn flowers gave an added charm to the living room and dining room when Mrs.

W. D. Cochrane was hostess to the circle meeting of the Womans Auxiliary on Monday afternoon. Religious Education was the topic for study. The meeting was opened with the song, "Guide Me Oh, Thou Great Jehovah" and with Mrs.

Jno McKinley presiding in the absense of the president, Mrs. W. R. Kimbrough. The devotional on the theme, "The Thorne of Grace," was impressively led by Mrs.

Summar. After the song, "Jesus Calls Mrs. Joe Winters presented the subject, "Four Reasons Why the Sunday School Should Be Supported by the Womans Auxiliary." The Promise of the Month was read in unison, then a little questionaire, "Famous People," was enjoyed. Parts were 'assigned for review of the book of Hebrews. At the close of the pro- tram the hostess, assisted by Mrs.

Ralph Rust, served a delicious salad plate and tea. The principal points of the business session were announcements of the bservance of Loyalty Day at the next meeting at the church on September 26; collection of Ocatgon soap wrappers for the orphans exhibiting the lovely quilt top made for the white cross work which goes to the Goldsby King Hospital in China, and planning for a shower for the Pres-Byterian Home for Children. -ROAR OF THE DRAGON" with Eichard Dix, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 19, 20, 21st. Urs. Fred Smith B.

F. GILDER, Register of the Circuit Court of Marengo County, Ala- Sep 15-22-29 bama..

The Democrat-Reporter from Linden, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.